About Me

My love affair with shoes didn't start until a love affair ended. Somehow in the midst of a major relationship breakdown I found a new sole-mate. Actually many sole-mates. Please don't judge me *grin*

I remember vividly the day I had to make my first choice between two fraternal twins. One bright pink. One royal blue - the colour that I will become most associated with. Both equally as beautiful and summery. Such a hard choice.

Up until then shoes were just shoes. I did flirt occasionally with the odd pair - a metallic pale blue heel with a black dress for a wedding or even as far back as the age of 12 I wore my Size 5 Chucks in Aqua (you'll meet their older twins soon I'm sure )  until they wore out - but couldn't seem to commit to the fall.

Until faced with this decision between Team Pink and Team Blue. I "Ummmed" and "Ahhhhed" and  after much discussion ended up buying the Blue quite happily.

But the pink babies just haunted my dreams for the next few nights. I tossed and turned and tried to get them out of my mind. I struggled with my Inner Golden Retriever*, apologised for my disloyalty to the blue shoes, succumbed to the need for something new and pretty and went back and bought the pink shoes.

It was done.

I fell hard.

The love affair with shoes began.

And a love affair it is. I have to fall in love with a pair in order for me to buy them. Sometimes they have to fit a certain criteria. But most of the time they just have to speak to me. If they know my name and can whisper it from across a crowded room or better yet get my attention once I've walked away I'm gone.

So who are you ? Where do you live ? 
What else are you going to tell me ? 

I'm absolutely blessed to live in one of the most fabulously gorgeous cities in the world - Sydney, Australia.

Pity I live about an hour and a bit away from this view ;)

Although this occurs a few times a year across the road from my place. I adore fireworks!

I'm in my mid-thirties, teach kids with learning difficulties and have a passion to do what I can in both my work and personal world to see the fabulousness in each person I connect with. And of course that is always easier to see in others than in the mirror some days but putting on a pair of great shoes helps ;)

On the weekend you'll usually find me with some sort of coffee in my hand and coffee and mic in hand in church on Sunday. Sometimes even with my shoes off for a bit. Don't call me early on a Saturday morning because I'll be sleeping in. Looooovvveeee my sleep. And yes I'm a bit of a night owl too. Although I find owls in general a bit creepy.

I am a Christian.

Yes. One that believes that Jesus is her Saviour, died for her sins and is planning on an eternity worshipping God in Heaven with the angels.

I made a choice to follow Him when  I was 21 and at first was scared about how much I thought I would have to give up... you know all that fun stuff. Turns out the best was yet to come. I LOVE how He has shaped and changed me over the years and the comfort of knowing that I can turn to Him during the horrid times that life brings.

Apparently I own a lot of Converse "Chucks". I'll leave that for you to determine ;c)

So that's my story for now. May update and edit this as my editing ADD strikes....you will notice that I will change the look and design of this blog a lot. Um.... yeah... sorry about that.  I will also move the furniture around a lot...but I guess you don't have to worry about that ;)