Friday, June 17, 2011

The Most Perfect Ballerina. Ever.

Red Writing Hood
Physical beauty.

It can open doors - and can also shut them.

Write a scene in which a physically beautiful character is somehow impacted by that trait. If you are doing non-fiction, you can write about yourself or someone you know.

Come back and link up here Friday. Word limit is 600.

She was so excited when she first met me. We were both shiny and brand new. She was all rosy pink and chubby cheeked and I was smooth and satiny, my ribbons perfectly trimmed and glossy. 

The moment she slipped me on her feet I could tell that she felt like the prettiest girl in the world. The most perfect ballerina ever.

As Mummy bent down to crisscross my ribbons over her sturdy calves she could barely keep still and I felt the pull and tug until I was finally knotted and tucked in carefully out of sight. Perfect. Neat. Beautiful. 

The pianist began her opening call and the beautiful little ballerina and I pointed battement frappéd and plied together both of us feeling the joy and swell of the music fill our soul from the outside in. Her eyes carefully fixed on Teacher every movement an unspoken question to be noticed for her beauty and her swan like grace.

I knew she felt beautiful. She had always felt loved and protected by Mummy and Daddy. Daddy even had another funny name for her that made her giggle and she loved music and books and Barbies and the colour blue, not pink. Never pink. All girls loved pink. She was special. So it would be blue for her. But dancing was the thing that she loved to do most. It gave her a way to fall into a song she loved or pretend to be someone else for a little while. Or to put a smile on her family’s face. And the clapping made her feel even prettier.

It wasn’t until I caught sight of our reflection in the mirror together that I knew that things may not always stay this way. I knew that she didn’t see what I saw.

In the far distance, past her face filled with dreams of bubbles and fluffy clouds and fairy princesses dancing with glass slippers, I looked at the other little girls and their ballet shoes somehow reflected differently making the two of us look distorted, strange in comparison.

It was also the look on Teacher’s face that spoke of future hooks and barbs directed at her, intended to streamline her in skill and eventually body structure but I knew that so many of those would land in the part of her that filtered what she would see in future mirrors.

As we gracefully glided out of dance class that day Teacher smiled at us tightly, tapped her cane on the floor and shut the door firmly. I secretly knew that Teacher didn’t think we were all that beautiful at all.

But at the bottom of the stairs Daddy was waiting there with the door of the station wagon open with his special name which made her giggle. And as we slid in and he leant over to close the door, he dropped a kiss on her head. I knew she felt beautiful.

I didn’t quite understand how Teacher didn’t see how beautiful she was. But maybe if the two of us stayed together we could feel the music from the outside in and we could dodge the tapping of Teacher’s cane on the floor and hooks and barbs together.

xxx Size 3 Bloch Ballet Shoes

Size 3 Bloch Ballet Shoes

So as you've hopefully worked out by now I am starting to write stories taken from my memories of real life events or feelings but from the POV of whatever shoes I may have been wearing at the time. I haven't written properly for years so to do this and to post it for all to read just freaks me out somewhat but I feel like I have just picked up another puzzle piece to myself that I thought I had lost for good.....

Anyway, these weren't actually my first ballet shoes but they were probably the ones I wore when I was ten or eleven when some of the hooks and barbs had found their target but not too many quite yet.

Hope you enjoyed reading this one even though I feel like I didn't stick too closely to the prompt. It's almost midnight and I've been writing this now for about 2 hours. It's time to publish and go to bed. Sweet dreams everyone. I'll be dreaming of bubbles and clouds and dancing princesses, the colour blue tonight....maybe ;)


  1. It's a very interesting idea to start from shoes, very creative. The beginning of your story reminded me of when my daughter took ballet. I remember getting her ready for class. We didn't stick with it, though, because the whole recital hoopla wasn't my daughter's thing. But, there was a part of me that loved seeing her all cute in her ballerina gear.

    Those teachers have so much impact, but they don't all use it for good :(

  2. I thought it was a great idea to take the POV of your shoes! There was a lot of wonderful description and showing rather than fact, you probably didn't need to state that she felt beautiful. It was understood. I really look forward to reading more!

    - Emily

  3. What an interesting, creative point of view!

  4. I really loved this. I got it before reading your "disclaimer" but I wasn't sure if it was true or if it was you creating a story. I'm sorry that your teacher made you feel that way, but I'm glad your father AND your shoes made you feel beautiful. Cause you know what? Every little girl SHOULD!

  5. I love the POV. Very creative!

    visiting from RDC

  6. The instant I realized the piece was from the shoes point of view I was enchanted. What a fun read after a long week of work. The idea is clever and having two ballerinas and having to attend some "parent participation" classes I was with you the whole way!

  7. Very intriguing! I loved every line. What a fascinating idea to write from the perspective of shoes!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog--I'm totally your newest follower and look forward to more shoe reads :)

  8. what a pretty piece...i love ballet

  9. You capture that moment between pure childhood fun and serious work, which so often happens with sports and activities.

    Can't we just hang onto the fun and innocence a little longer? Can't we all stay ballerinas?

    Love it.

  10. Beautiful writing! Love the shoe idea. So clever! Great job!

  11. An absolutely beautiful post by an absolutely beautiful person! xo

  12. Wow. So many lovely comments. :)

    Thank you everyone so much. i'm really loving writing these and for those of you who have been writing your own I've loved reading yours too. :)

    Bring on next week's prompt ;)


    PS Have you linked your blog on the link pages yet ? :)


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