Monday, October 15, 2012

Finding My Cinderella

I had only been on the market for a few days when I saw her walk in and straight away I knew she and I would be hitting the floor together that night.

It took her a little time but I caught her eye when she walked into where I was just waiting, letting her be the one to make the first move.

Her eyes wandered to my friend to the left of me. I was a little surprised by that. I mean, I clocked what she was wearing. Printed tee, skinny black jeans. I was more her type than.....anyway, I had to watch as she smiled and sized up my friend. I knew, I just knew that they weren't a match.

I could see the look of disappointment on her face.

If only I could catch her eye again. Then she would know that we were made for each other. I knew that if the two of us got together then I could help her feel like she used to. That part of her that she pushed aside when the fear kicked in. The fear of falling, of failing. Of making a fool of herself.

All rubbish of course. But try telling her that.

I knew I could make her smile again. But, she had to choose me.

Those are the rules.

Just as I was about to give up hope of her ever noticing me, she asked if she could meet me. 'Here we go' I thought to myself.

Strangely I thought of that rubbish fairy tale about Cinderella and that glass slipper. It was a story that I had grown up with and decided that it was just for fools and those dainty little things with no substance. But here I was. One perfect fit and our lives would change.

And fit we did.

Before I knew it she had me on her feet and we were out on the floor together. She was a little cautious at first and I had to slow my wheels a little for her but once we found our rhythm there was no stopping us that night. I could see other people watching us with envy, admiring the way we looked so good together and how much she was smiling.

I have a very good feeling that my Cinderella just found me tonight and we'll be out on the rink for a long time to come.

Zero Tolerance Roller Skates

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